

The Team
The winds that blew past 5 figures, maybe 6 or 7. The scorching bellowed from the pits of sands, each step akin to medieval leg pressure torture. Instead of wooden boards sewn shut with force and nails, boiling hot grains replaced the pleasure.

"Jac-oh god my foot....Jackson! Did you know this would happen!? Just so you know I'm suing your a#$ later." Melinda screamed over the sandstorm. The 6 of them at a crawling's pace, each step weighing at least 3 cows.

"Oh shut up 'Linda! It's not Jackson's fault the forecast lied!" Said Max, almost stumbling front first to the endless sea of suffering if it wasn't for Aaron catching him. Both their weapons colliding each other, causing both bombs in their holster to activate.

With quick thinking, the duo upfront managed to cancel the fuse of two of the electronic bombs 'The Gift'.

"I didn't know you liked smashing those together Max I'm impressed." Aaron smirked lifting Max to standing while the rest of the crew are still struggling uphill.

"Yeah Max you enjoyed that, didn't ya~?" Rex chimed in teasingly, still not over trying to fix his pistol. Sand simply jamming the cartridge, Dylan behind had the same thought. More than a thousand years of advancements and humans stuck to kinetic weapons?

"For the last time Rex, I'm not a homosexual. I know you saw me with Dylan last night at Moore's but it is not an issue is it?"

Laughter ensued morale in this lengthy walk. Abruptly fading away as soon as it came. The sand this time shifting ever so slightly.

Sophie from the very back carrying the monitoring equipment shivered in pain as some got inside her boots. Curling but curious to the slight shift of sands underneath her feet.

"Sophie! Is Sophie okay!? I can't turn around too much time!" Jackson screamed as the team hiked another dune hill. The sands shifted even more.

"Yeah! I-... I'm okay! it's just the sands seem to shift so sudden... I- don't know how to feel about it-"

As she described they all felt the sand shake, shift aloud and screamed under.

Worms, Max knew. Fortunately the base was in front of them. A few kilometers, maybe 20. Suspended 10 meters above the ground with shock absorbent thin metal sticks.

"I don't think we can make it-" Max hopelessly sought to the metal fortress in a distance. Melinda raising concern to a cone of sand rushing towards them at a steady pace.

"Uhh guys.. Is that a-"

"A Worm yeah.. A very big one. I heard it tastes like milkfish." Rex, dropped to one knee unsheathing the shiny exterior of his rifle. Peering to the viewport, blinking once and twice and finding a spot where three of the suns above does not blind him.

Aaron quietly loaded the launcher with the white electronic bomb hanging from his waist aside from the Green healing ball and the Red one for airstrike.

Rex rotated the adjustment of the viewpiece, and amazed by the sheer horror that will befall them. The worm the size of a continent, spinning and scooping sand with the ridges of it's exoskeleton. Propelling it like a screw to 334 km/ph. A nasty set of teeth not minding the grains splattering towards inside the otherwise humongous circlish mouth.

But Jackson spotted with his bare eyes something different from the abomination. An SUV, silver in color sporting a logo 'MONTERO' at the top part of the air grill filter. Three triangles in front of the hood latch.

There's just something comical about an SUV impossibly outrunning a giant eldritch-sized horror worm.

"Did someone order a car delivery-?" Sophie called out but there was no time. The worm was now agitated and began to exert more effort into spinning faster. The car purring it's combustion to overdrive, opening up the doors for a ride-by embarkment.

Melinda, Sophie, Rex and Aaron all took positions despite not seeing a bonafide archaeological treasure of the 21st century in their life. Each grabbing sides nearly tearing the door off. To their suprise getting help from a bloodied one armed human without bio-enchancement.

Jackson, Max and Dylan activating a variety of their enchancement suits, but they were too late as the worm began to spring out of the sand and dive bomb the area.

Dylan having no other choice with his horned white Beast Dive Suit. Grabbed the two and stepped supersonic, dropping them beside the base. Prompting both to excrete fluid from the food they ate at lunch.

Not minding the excruciating pain of blood spewing from his mouth, he arrived at the back of the car and pushed them. Just in time for the worm to tower over the spot and cover it with acid that turned the sands into plasma.

The car engine whirred to a halt as the passengers quickly rushed inside the base. Melinda pressing a big red button and a force field covered the entirety of the base. Repelling the worm as it divebombed into it, effectively burning a few scales off it's exoskeleton. It's safe now.

Jackson and Max immediately tried to filled their stomach's back in the kitchen. Dylan placed the healing ball on the ground, slowly healing his ruptured lungs from scratch. Melinda and Aaron, checked the vitals of the machine. All good, system's running and no malfunctions.

It was only when Sophie pondered and asked..

"What happened to the driver?"

Did they realize reality is much more stranger than fiction.


© Tafii Biscuit