

A Moon - Waterlilly- Honeybee.
On the bank of river Yamuna, there was a forest  which was rich with different kinds of creepers, plants and trees. And it was called heaven of the earth. In the middle of the forest there was a lake. The lake seemed to be as if the sky fell in it. The lake was filled with sweet, aromatic water perennially. All animals ate the food in the forest, drank the water of that lake and took a rest on the bank of that lake. Godhead, Lord Krishna lived on that land and hence all animals lived together with love.

In such a wonderful lake blossemed a beautiful water Lilly on a full moon day. The moon was shining and reflected in the pond. The water Lilly loved the moon very much. She loved his beautiful appearance. And she decided to marry him. From that day that water Lilly blossomed at the dusk and closed her face at the dawn.

At that time a naughty honeybee came there to collect nectar. The Bee fell in love with the Lilly. From that moment the bee spun around the Lilly and sung  lovely music to attract the Lilly. But the Lilly  never saw the bee, But she awaited for unreachable moon.

Lilly blossomed all the night to love the moon. In the morning she trembled with lovesick and closed her face. Day by day Slowly the moon began to lose his shape. On seeing the decreasing face of the moon Lilly felt sad and wept all the day. On seeing a water striped face of Lilly the bee felt very sad and stopped singing. Few days passed in such manner.

That day was the new moon day. On that day there was no moon in the sky. On seeing no moon in the sky Lilly trembled in fear. She felt that something happened to moon and Her mind filled with sad. She decided that she can't lead her life without her lover moon and plunged into the lake. On seeing Lilly's suicide the bee also left his life by taking poisoned nector.