

Rescued Boy
"Learn new something with curiosity."

There was a boy of 8 years old who was kidnapped by some kidnappers when he was coming home from school by walking .The kidnappers waited for him near the bushes along the road . A maruti car was passing while the passers saw that some kidnappers whose faces were muffled by pieces of cloth. After a long time , parents came to know that their son had not came from school, they were worried . After sometime they recieved a call on a telephone by 5p.m. At the call , the kidnappers demanded ®15lacs and threatened to kill the boy if the will inform the police .The took a big bag of money withthem for the kidnappers but while going the police looked at them very cleverly so they came to know something happened qrong .The police started going back of his parents .Then after seeing the whole problem , the police came to know that, that theykidnapped their child so the police laid a trap with money and the boy rescued with his parents .