

How Do We Begin To Start Again?
How can we begin to start again?
How can we begin to start again?
In ways I’ve sped up and in ways I’ve slowed down..
What a beautiful disaster this has been thus far..
I’ve been up.. I’ve been down..
Rolling in the deep of a bottomless ocean… where my demons come in waves … one by one swelled up and washed ashore..
For That one last dance..
I was beat down so low.. surely I would die… surely I couldn’t survive..
I felt I had no one.. these 4 walls nothing was it was.. so dark the only home I’ve known.. was gone covered in dark.. from this point forward there’s no looking back..
I don’t care what’s next, whatever could I knew from then on I was never going back..
I’ve flown carelessly on the wings of god my whole entire life on earth..
On the winds of his saving grace braught back so many times to life". His will be done.. for I know I’m blessed and divinely favored, I’ve known it my entire life..
Mountains he moved on blind faith God always kept me safe..
For I know deep down in my bones that I am a child of God, sent here to share out his saving love our saving grace!
I walking out on a limb ..
Blind faith the feeling of not knowing ..
That in the end, to the next morning of this day soon to once again begin again true love kept safe, kept me fighting, kept me going kept me still believing..
that even in the darkest nights of my life yet.. that love was my only hope.. I fought to get back to you my love my heart my rose my light in the dark!
My super hero my real life guardian angel i truly believe god sent you to me.. not just a partner but a life changer.
I end this with a verse 1st Corinthians chapter 13
If I speak in tongues of men or angels but do not have love I am only a resounding going or clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom mysteries and all knowledge and I have faith that can move mountains but do not have love I am nothing.. if I give freely Out of love… with no expectations or anything in return… iam everything this world is not.. but a vessel that houses the Holy Ghost… in me lives Christ.. and I may not know much but I’ve always my whole entire life have known and still has the love of God our father! Who because of him through Christ… by the cross and the all the sins of the world he took upon his shoulders… to die.. for god in heaven had to look away as Christ our savior paid the price on Calvary!!! Who lives on.. who has prepared a way for me to one day be at home in heaven that lasts always… not this temporary situations of here and there and what have .. but to his divine purpose through his pain and suffering comes eternal life through god’s salvation… the wonders I’ve witnessed gods hands at work in my own life.. a living testimony.. just passing through a narrow beaten pathway the stepping stones where so many times hes carried me… still purpose left in these bones. I once feared all the uncertainty of life and life problems and the hand of fate.. that my destiny near or far with one soul or a crowd I’m a living testimony that Christ saves and romised me on that day he calls me home from this body from this earth my soul absent from the body present with the Lord in heaven… for eternity in perfect harmony … forever is a long time and I’m a visual learner.. so when I was just a boy I had my mom explain to me what eternity is, and what eternity looks like. She said eternity is like a dove flying from heaven to earth to pick up on single grain of sand and fly it back to heaven.. once all the sand from earth was carried to heaven one piece at a time.. that is eternity… I thank god for loving me enough even tho clearly different from the rest god allowed me to grow up in house that lone star church and know the intimacy and importance of having a relationship with god our father and Jesus Christ gods only son …. So that a sinner like myself who has committed horrific selfish acts of the flesh … with a regret filled life… will someday dwell in the house of the Lord forever and ever. In Christ name I pray ! Amen!
by: Billie Del