

wizard of powers
Once upon a time lived a girl her name was issabelle she had two brothers one was named timmir and rick there second name was russo there were wizard they had powers Gigi was issabelle enimie one day harper issabella freibd came while issabella was doing work she did one of her power no one is allowed to know there are wizard so she hided and then made duplacite of herself because harper asked her to go watch a dressing up movie so the fake issabelle went but she nfirgot after an hour the first issabelle duplucite will otetmaticly go the film was two hours so she quickly made a plan so after an hour she'll quickly go and watch jousting heard everything and he was about to tell dad that issavlellra used magic but as quick as he can issabrlla madr a duplacite of him and then she just made a problem cause Rick needed to go gym in five minutes and it takes 2 hour to make the spell to war of "oh no! Umm let's try a spell duplicate if all take this wizard back to small oh no I said it wrong ugh the spell is about to war of on harper I got an idea I should just tell dad Dad yeah said dad I kinda did a spell to made jousting small WHAT! Issabrlpa u will be grounded for a week know just say thing turn my brother to his origanl height and then make a little flight tsaid issablelle and dad tha ks dad oh no ur grounded said dad oh no harpers here said issabelle issabelle why did u just dissappear in the movie said harper isablelle said dad and Rick in a angry voice
© Emily