

The Hello Man Chapter 11: Kills and Dies in Africa
The Hello Man stood quietly in the burned down forest. He noticed that he had his full power back and that the fire in the forest vanished. The two pieces of The Anti Blood Knife was still laying on the ground, but it looked terribly burned. The Hello Man picked up the two pieces and put the pieces in his pocket. The Hello Man walked for a while. He started to vanish slowly untill he was completely gone. Somewhere in Africa at a country called Ghana was a huge cornfield maze. In the middle of the maze was a huge opening where teenagers was having a pary. In front of the maze appeared The Hello Man. The Hello Man heard music coming from the inside of the maze. So The Hello Man started to walk his way through the maze. He has decided to kill the people who the music belonged to old school. When he finally got to the end he saw almost 300 teenagers partying. A axe with a long handle appeared in his right hand. The Hello Man started to kill. First The Hello Man swang the axe that it went cutting a few teenagers in half. Second The Hello Man threw the axe. The axe went through a few teenagers' bodies and it returned to The Hello Man's right hand. The axe was covered with blood. Thirdly The Hello sliced off a few teenagers' heads clean off. Lastly The Hello Man got a little bored, so he just moved his left hand's fingers a little bit and the hole maze exploded. The Hello Man vanished while the explotion went off with a smile of terror.
Still at Africa, but in a country called Egypt, at the pyramids of Giza was hundreds of people who was taking pictures and stuff. It was getting dark. The Hello Man later appeared there. Everyone thought he was just a dude wearing a halloween costume untill one pair of wing came out of The Hello Man's back. Everyone started to run in terror, but one person, a scientist. The scientist said that the exciting of demons was not yet approved yet and that he doesn't believe in demons. He walked to strait The Hello Man and stood in front of him. Just when the scientist wanted to say something The Hello Man grabbed he's head and turned it around. The scientist's neck broke and he fell dead to the ground. Everyone who saw it was screaming with terror while running away. The Hello Man went into the air and started to shoot fire blasts at the people. In some ways the ground was burnable. It was dark. The ground was burning. The Hello Man landed on top of one of the pyramids. He saw how the people burned to death alive. The fire turned red. The Hello Man looked at the fire strangely, because he wasn't the one who turned the fire red. All the sudden the pyramid he was standing on began to shake. The Hello Man started to float. He looked carefully at the pyramid. The pyramid exploded, doing no damage to other pyramids or the ground. The fire turned into yellow. Where the pyramid stood, stood a man. The man looked more like a dark Pharo-Demon thing. The Pharo yelled at The Hello Man, "Leave or else, this country is my mine! It has been piece full here for thousands of years and here you are destroying years of piece!" The Hello Man landed on the ground. He stood quietly, looking at the Pharo while his eyes just became redder by the second. The Pharo then yelled, "Fine so be it, tonight will be your death!". All the sudden the Pharo blasted a yellow blast at The Hello Man. The Hello Man just stood there. The blast did no damage, so the Pharo ran with super speed towards The Hello Man where he punched The Hello Man through the face. The punch was so strong that it send The Hello Man crashing into one of the pyramid. The Hello Man was now pissed off. He whispered, "Hello". The fire vanished. The Hello Man walked out of the pyramid towards the Pharo. The Pharo just stared at The Hello Man while he blasted a yellow beam at him. When the beam hit The Hello Man it exploded. The Hello Man was now really pissed off. He ran straight at the Pharo's derection and he punished the Pharo as hard as he could in the stomach. That send the Pharo flying through the skies. The Hello Man just teleported in front of the Pharo and blasted him with a lot of fire blasts. After The Hello Man beaten the Pharo half to death he fell to the ground while asking The Hello Man out of breath, "Who the hell are you?" The Hello Man told the Pharo that his is The Hello Man while a golden sword appeared in his hands. The Pharo laughed while he blasted a tiny yellow beam at The Hello Man's front head, where the cross is. The Hello Man cut off the Pharo's head clean off with the sword while feeling dizzy. The Pharo was now dead. The body of the Pharo turned into yellow fire and vanished. All the pyramids turned to normal and the ground too. All the sudden The Hello Man himself also fell dead on the ground. His body turned into normal fire and vanished too.

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