

Once a man
There was once a man who aspired to ascend. His intent was met with rolling eyes, by society and his friends. He did not rush to grasp at the intangible. He just took his time and slowly became, what he believed. As he continued to proceed. He achieved to perceive. An understanding of all the wondrous mystery. He held fast to his practice. For every day, was a great day, to be at it. Then he began to notice a change. at first he thought the feeling strange. As he vibrated higher,his behavior changed. His thought Outlook and perception. All headed in a new direction. No more time, for liabilities and deceptions. He was no longer just stepping forward. But stepping up. Stepping out and stepping in. For he felt and realized, that it was his time to begin. Time for no more missed opportunities. Time to uplift and instill community. Time to embrace all that was to come and soon to be. Was he crazy. Did he just see what he wanted to see. Or had he learned to live boundlessly. Humanely and compassionately. Until came the time when he, was no longer himself. But instead he was a part of everyone, and everything else.
Intertwined on a grand scale. With a macro cosmic wealth. Forming A bond with a part of creation. That was always there, but was there in stelth. No longer was he just a being. But an entity. Part of the universal, eternal ecstasy. And rather than continuing on as a man. He decided to part, and be everywhere at once. Existing in peace. Realizing that sheer Joy is a great relief.
No longer afraid. Now freed. To exist and experience, timelessly. And whenever people felt eased or comforted by the totality of nature. Or felt like nature was smiling back at them. Then that was he. Wishing peace and blessings, To all of thee.

© Joseph harris