

doctor's note
The old woman was near death. I could hear her try to draw in painful gasps of breath. I felt helpless as a doctor in this remote part of the world. Was there nothing I could do? why can't I save her.
As a doctor i should be emotionally matured however,after all i am just human,in this white coat how many lives i have seen lost since reaching this
war zone.

I am an doctor who reached this place around 6 months ago, i closely remembers the day when i was i newly became a doctor and war was broke out at this place,many people felt bad for civilians who were suffering from this war and getting injured as day passing in war was getting harder.
I was able to get a good job their but my heart broken when i heared how civilians were dying without adequate medical treatment.I packed my bags and contacted a group of doctors who were going to serve in war and added myself in their group.since then i am here to treat their misery which my little skills .
sometimes serious patients like this old lady comes to me, who remains on their death bed with tiny hope of life,their relatives eyes watches me as i could save them like God , but sometimes like this one i too get disappointed.

suddenly, heartbeat of lady becames normal and i felt very amazed for few moments after watching the lady and
cried to nurse " quick operation",and nurse reacted and suddenly room became quiet and i started to do operation, every person leaved the room as they were understanding seriousness of matter, relatives of lady were praying for her life.
After long three hour operation lady could come of danger and then we took breath and a hope lit in my eyes,
i might not be able to save all but i can try my best. i came out of operation theatre when all over, all of lady's relative got news before through nurse and they were giving me love to save their loved , i too felt poured in love and my happiness doubled.

passing the crowd i came to a lone place and watching sky of north which sometimes lits with noice coming latter ,
and i sighed 'let pray for war to end and happiness returns to this land '.