

Alfred’s Last Words
It was a nice day at the lake Catherine Murphy sat down on a picnic table right next to her friend Alfred Woodwater. It’s a lovely day out here said Catherine Murphy yes replied Alfred I remember my grandson comes down here every morning and fish he loves fishing he brings a bucket of crappie fishes, catfishes, and bream fishes he would freeze them up when it be time to cook them for my whole family comes over I will fry them for me and my whole family said Catherine Murphy. That’s nice Catherine I just like enjoying the fresh air down here and hanging out with you replied Alfred Woodwater. Alright Alfred I am going to the restroom I will be back stay here don’t you go any where said Catherine. When Catherine came back from the restroom she saw that Alfred was gone she didn’t know where he went and she couldn’t see him any where. I thought I told him to stay here and do not go anywhere said Catherine that day Catherine came home she saw her grandson Calvin sitting in the living room watching TV. Calvin I have sad news said Catherine what King Charles missed his royal event? Calvin ask no it’s not that replied Catherine Murphy then what is it grandma? Calvin Murphy ask I was at the lake with my friend Alfred we were sitting together and we both were talking to each other then I had to go to the restroom I told him not to go anywhere I went in the restroom because I had to pee as I came out of the restroom he was gone I don’t know what to do said Catherine. Grandma his daughter came to pick him up she call my phone today we talked about Alfred Vonda told me that he had dementia he is known to wonder off he actually did got up when you left but Vonda had to stop him and bring him home to his bed replied Calvin. Oh that’s where he is he is at home right? Catherine ask yes he is she put him in his bed replied Calvin Catherine laughed and felt relieved that day. Later on Calvin had a phone call it was Vonda after Calvin got off the phone with Vonda he and Catherine went to Saint Francis Hospital. Vonda, Calvin, and Catherine sat out in the waiting room waiting for the results of Alfred Woodwater the nurse came out and spoke to them. I have terrible news your father Alfred Woodwater has passed away it was too late we couldn’t revive him but he said something before he passed he said something that I couldn’t understand said the nurse. Well what did he say? Calvin ask well he said that he didn’t won’t to die he kept repeating that he didn’t won’t to die but then he said something different this is what he said he said Okay I understand now replied the nurse. Maybe he saw angels and they came to take him away said Catherine poor Vonda had nothing to say she was crying badly Calvin was comforting her. When five days was up Vonda, Calvin, Catherine and all of Vonda’s family members came to Alfred’s funeral it was a sad rainy day. After the funeral Vonda came over Catherine’s house and talked with Calvin and Catherine that day I am still thinking about what my dad said before he died said Vonda I wonder what made him say that? Calvin ask I think he saw Heavenly angels and one of them had spoken to him and told him that everything is gonna be alright replied Catherine. You know grandma I believe you are right because Alfred did had a good relationship with GOD said Calvin and they all agreed on that.
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