

Heart Touching Story
Now a days kind hearted people can be find in the society very much in quantity Similarly in this story some moments has bloomed a story of a kind hearted man.
A man named Mr. Pal was a officer of a Court. He was very kind from mind. For his kind heart he had to hear many words in society. But he always help every body.
One day it was raining. Mr. Pal was standing in a bus stop with an umbrella. He was searching for any bus which root was at his home. The time was about 4:15 pm. A government school was situated in front of the bus stop. At that time the school was finished. Many students went to their house with their guardian. Some students have an umbrella or a rain coat. But two students were helpless. Their guardian forgot to take an umbrella or a rain coat. One of the students noticed the umbrella of Mr. Pal at the bus stop. That bus stop had no shelter place like others. So, the student ran away under the umbrella. Seeing this Mr. Pal caught him and took in the umbrella. The another student and two guardians also came under the shelter one by one. The kind man gave shelter them happily. At last he own self got out in the cats and dogs rain. The sheltered people were surprised to see his kind heart.
Here we have learnt an umbrella is equal to a teacher's education. A teacher how teachs his / her to all similarly a kind hearted man gave shelter to all.

[ Moral :- Kind quality we find in our every day routine in different types, But we can't feel this. ]

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