

Is this generation lacking behind ?
Is it looking like a childish title? Would be yes for some and no for sure but when you look into it you may know that how deep is actually this just one line or a question is to be meant.

As decade are been changing as universal rule new generation are coming up with more innovative mind but with different thoughts at the same time which is the reason for a disturbance in the society.

It is good that the new generation is bringing their innovative mind into action and want to develop the society but the point where they are lacking behind are the basic values and ethics which the elders or previous generations would have always thought and said to them to keep in mind. This generation just need the way how to earn money or in other way they just think that money can only give them the happiness which they desired. Totally agreed somewhere but generation lack the thing is to make them earn more their parents have invested more into them and at the end of the day they would be suffering more when a child get somewhere egoistic.

Would just like to end with an conclusion or a fact that one thing is damm true and this generation should be knowing after their failures that when there would be no one with you, your family would be more precious thing then money.

" Money cannot buy Everything remember "