

Wants to be a better person for you
●Chapter 6●

At restaurant priyanshi didn't talked to yuvi at all whenever yuvi was trying to talk with her she immediately use to do something that he was not able to talk to her. Yuvi understood that priyanshi was doing this purposely and is not going to talk to him. Yuvi kept staring at priyanshi and priyanshi was watching him but without letting anyone know that she was watching him. and both of them started talking in their mind with each other.
Yuvi: really now you gonna do this with me.
priyanshi : obviously.
Yuvi: that's not fair.
priyanshi: it is fair you should also know how it feels when your friend can contact you but still don't talk to you. now just wait and watch now I'm not gonna talk to you.
Yuvi: seriously you...
Mihir saw both of them doing like that but not uttering a word from their mouth. Mihir told ayesha and she just immediately asked priyanshi..
Ayesha: priyu do you know how to talk to each other without uttering a word in your mind
priyanshi was speechless and said..
Priyanshi: aaa that I I..
Ayesha: Yuvi you must be knowing how to talk in your mind for sure am I correct.
Yuvi: what are you saying how could someone talk in their mind.
Mihir: what are we saying now only we saw both of you talking to each other without uttering a word.
while everyone was laughing priyanshi some what felt embarrassing and just put her head down and started to eat without making an eye contact.
They were about to get up from there sit suddenly someone came and close yuvi's eyes and called him and asked him to recognize. yuvi tried to feel who's this and said.....
Yuvi: Disha , what are you doing here and you didn't told me that you are going to come here.
Disha: even you didn't told me you are going to come here and they are..
Yuvi: oh yes meet my childhood friend mini oh sorry not mini that's for me only she's is priyanshi and that's Mihir and ayesha priyanshi's friends. and she ...
after hearing about priyanshi because of jealousy Disha immediately said...
Disha: Disha his batchmate project partner GF and would be life partner.
after hearing this priyanshi mihir and ayesha were in shock while yuvi just laughed and said..
Yuvi: Disha nice intro but...
Disha: oh come on darling they are your friends and we can say this to them am I correct mini oh I mean priyanshi.
priyanshi in a frowning smile on her face said..
priyanshi: yes ofcourse you can
after hearing priyanshi and seeing her facial expression yuvi just didn't cleared the confusion to make priyanshi jealous he just smiled and said...
yuvi: you are correct.
priyanshi was really annoyed and immediately she get up from her sit and grabbed ayesha's hand and said...
priyanshi: I guess we should leave now it's too late now tomorrow I have to go for internship early so shall we..
after seeing priyanshi like that ayesha understood her and just went with her and said...
Ayesha: oh yes even I also have to go for internship early I guess we should leave ok yuvi and disha we will leave you two alone bye...
Disha( in a sarcastic voice ) : bye priyanshi
priyanshi with a fake smile on face
priyanshi: bye Disha and yuvi
And they immediately went out and took a cab and went back to their residence. In the whole return journey priyanshi was silent and even both her friends didn't said anything about yuvi to her for that time.
After reaching to their residence ayesha tried to talk to priyanshi about yuvi but she said...
priyanshi: Ayesha please don't talk about him now I don't want to talk about that let it be it's his life whoever he wants to be with he can I don't care so please let's just sleep. Even ayesha just dropped the idea of talking about it and went for sleep.
after that day she didn't talked to yuvi and also didn't pick up his call or replied to his messages.
© bijju1998