

We are just like asymptotes. as we get closer and closer with each other, the more we lose our selves and slowly built a wall between us that tells our distance that also made us realize that we are just like asymptotes. a line that gets closer and closer but will never be together. maybe we are really meant to meet but never will be together. not even once. but if I am going to choose between a tangent, parallel, and asymptote as our love story I would still choose asymptote to describe our love story. I don't want our love story to be a tangent line. a line that has a chance to meet but parted ways. I don't want our love story to be a parallel line either. a line that will never ever meet. I will still choose asymptote because even though we can't be together atleast we're closer.

© Binibining Sweethetic🌙️