

My story of Mental illness 3
As Salamu alykum!
Hope you all are doing well #writcofamily

I'm proceeding my story;

I can't surely say it was depression, till date I don't know...
In brief I'll say you what I was and I am actually feeling.

You know that feeling you have in your gut when you are about to and/or really need to cry. All the time. I could be laughing and having a great time with my friends, and yet in the back of my mind I feel more alone than ever and I just want to curl up into fetal position and cry. But I never can. I can’t go home and cry and then feel better, because it’s not like there is something to cry about, or really anything to be sad about.

And at one point of my life I feel literally nothing.I fake happiness/normal emotion around friends, and when I am alone I just don’t care about anything.This was time when my grades often fall because I don’t care about anything, including school, and therefore school work.

There was something that pushed into every corner of my existence, and both academic and family life became more and more difficult. The worst thing is to know that my family and friends were doing all they could yet I still felt so lonely. I felt as if I had lost myself and wouldn’t ever be the same again. I had no motivation to do anything because I couldn't see a future for myself. Anxiety caused me to believe everyone was faking their love for me. I wanted everyone to know how I felt but I didn’t dare tell them...


© Mehack:-)