

Suffer for hundred years(sin)
Once there was a man living with his loving wife and his caring son. For his works he always used to go to the middle of ocean driving boat to get pearls from the deep ocean.

One-day, he went with his friend to the ocean but cold wind appears worst than ever. Because of that incident he died and also his friends.So then his son was grown up and was ready to take his father's job. One-day he decided to go to the middle of ocean to search for pearls like his father do. But his mother was not allowing him saying that he will end up like his father. Mother begged not to go but he pushed his mother away and as he was about to go his mother hold his legs but as he was about to go his leg touched his mother's head.He didn't do it intentionally but yet mistakenly.

He went and his mother was unable to stop him. When he reached in the middle of ocean his boat drowned deep and he was swimming way out of the water. As he reached near the land people came to save him. People came to save him because of his father's kindness.But again he went and went.On his way he saw a huge house so he stepped into that house.
The door got closed itself and he saw a huge axe moving here and there.He shouted "God,what is this happening to me?" God replied from the skies," Your leg touched your mothers head and the kindness committed by your father is finished now you will suffer here for hundreds of years". The axe went through his head and again his head came back and again the axe cut off his head.
His leg touched his mother's head mistakenly but he needs to suffer it again and again for hundreds of years.
Because of the sin he needs to suffer.

Thank you!