

The Girl Y
One day , a girl name Y decided to be a better version of herself . She started to do some research on it . How to be a good person? What should be done so that many can love or appreciate you ? Google became her best friend . Y was trying so hard to become a better version of herself that she makes it . She smile more often . She helped people . She did everything that she learned . After a time the girl start to feel tired . She feel like she has lost something . Everynight became a torture . It became impossible to sleep . Her mind keep wondering for so many stuff . She felt empty , she knows that she has lost something. How important could it be ? The girl keep looking for it but nothing. Y became depress without wanting to admit it because people have to stay positive ? question ... Every morning she wake up with a big smile , take a cold shower and eat a protein breakfast . She express herself in a way that will make anyone see her as being professional . She walks with elegance . Any kind of mistake was a no no for the image that she has created . When Y get back home all the bad sensation welcomed her as if it was there house and not hers . The night became a torture while her day was a movie . Y finnaly decides to put some effort to understand why she could not sleep at night . It was impossible fir her to really know what was going on ? How could she ? ...
She has lost her own original self without realizing it by trying to be what the world see has great . Was it worth it to lose herself ?...what makes her different from everyone ? ..What could she call her own?...
Y did something great she has become what the society love but the price was to lose her own self .
#everything has a price.
@zorga3237 little story. not perfect but hopefully interesting