

Killer Man-Episode 2
When Martha was 12 her sisters did a ritual to sumon a demon. The demon was too powerful, but luckily their neighbor, Hector knew how to remove the demon from the living world. But getting rid of a demon is hard, but Martha's family barely had any money, so in return for his deed Martha made an agreement that when she was older she would do anything that hector asked her to do.
Martha went to the grocery store and bought the items on the list and a pair of gloves. Then after she bought the items Matha went home and got ready for that Murder.
Later that night Martha invited Mrs. Rosenberg over to her house. When Mrs. Rosenburg arrived she came inside and asked for a cup of tea. "This mustn't be long I have to see a client in 2 hours." Said Mrs. Rosenburg. "Oh this wont be quick, I just wanted to know what you thought of my new bedroom. Come take a look."
Mrs. Rosenberg got up and walked into Martha's bedroom. "Oh what a-" Then Martha stabbed Mrs. Rosenberg in the side of the head.
Then Martha laid her body out on the bed and dismembered her limb by limb. Then she wrapped each part in a thick layer of Ceramic Wrap and then she buried Mrs. Rosenburg's body parts all through out the huge town of Shledon.