

Best things, Time and Paradoxes
They say the best things in the world are free. But, sadly they are not.

When it comes to materialistic things, you don't really get the best for free, you got to deserve to get them and to earn them. Talking about emotional experiences, you got to spend your time and efforts to really be able to hold on to those best things.

Life has always been relative in nature. Just the way one man's food might be another's poison, what might me good for you would not necessarily be good for someone else. There have been situations where you feel that what you are doing and saying might be right according to you, but inadvertently you'd fail to realise the magnitude of impact it may cause to the one hearing it. It's rightly said that you gotta think twice before speaking out cuz sometimes the damage done is of such a high magnitude that you just can't undo what's said.

Being in this situation many a times, one thing that I've learnt is that you gotta -
Think twice, be wise and speak concise.

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