

Susan highlights from the bus soliloquizing to herself...
As she walked pass the gate, she got startled by the greetings from the security man;
"Madam Susan Good Morning. How una dey? How weekend?" Adamu bellowed.
"Good morning Adamu, I am fine.
How una dey too?", she responded.
"Madame I dey o", he replied.
"How family?" ,she inquired.
"Family dey okay Madame" Adamu responded.
"Alright make una enjoy the rest of the day" she said .
"Thank you Madame" Adamu replied.
After exchanging pleasantries with the security man, Susan walked into the building.
She exchange pleasantries with other colleagues as she walks into her office.
While she was in her office preparing for the day's work, one of her colleagues shola walked in to greet her and share the recent news going on within the company with her.
POV: Shola is 28years old engaged to be married. A graduate of accounting from obafemi Awolowo university. She graduated with first class. Shola is sazzy, funny and fun to be with. She is a close friend and colleague of susan.
After exchanging pleasantries the following dialogue ensues between them.
"Good morning girlie. How was your night. You are looking beautiful this morning", Shola said as she greets Susan.
"Good morning. I am fine o. Thanks dear ", Susan said as she sighs.
"what wrong, you look so down this morning, hope everything is fine with you? ", Shola inquired.
"Everything is fine. It is Just that My mum called over the weekend asking when am I getting married?" she murmured," i told her I wasn't seeing anybody and can'tpossibly go out to the street and start patronizing myself. Then she went spiritual about it and said I need deliverance. You known all this african mothers now" she huffed.
"Not to worry my dear, your time will come", your own man will locate you",Shola said as she hugs her friend.
"Amen My dear" she responded.
"Less I forget I am getting married in two months time", Shola wriggles in joy as she broke the news to her friend.
" Awwnnn... Congratulations dear" Susan cooed.
"Thanks dear, and I heard we now have a new CEO. Heard he is an handsome young looking guy and the first son of the former CEO",she said.
"Really!!! Let wait and see then ", she responded.
A knock...
"Who is that?", Susan inquired...
"This is Bimbo the secretary( the voice at the door responds)".
"Okay you can come in...", Susan repiled.
Bimbo enters and announced that the Boss has called for a meeting and He expects all staff to gather at the conference room in the next twenty minutes.
"Thanks dear", Susan replied.
"I have to get going then", Shola said as she dashed out.
Susan quickly tidy her desk and also heads out for the conference room.
© Asiat Adeleke

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