

A Journey of Resilience and Determination in Academia ( TRUE STORY )

When I reflect on my academic journey, I cannot help but acknowledge the significant shift that occurred in my mindset and approach towards education. My name is Jovanie Degamo, and throughout my elementary and high school years, I was not fully committed to my studies. My thoughts were consumed with leisurely pursuits, such as going out with friends and indulging in youthful activities. Immaturity seemed to be my best friend at that time, and unfortunately, it had its consequences.

As I progressed towards senior high school, I found a newfound motivation and determination to excel academically. It was during this period that I made a conscious decision to take my education seriously. However, I soon discovered that I had a peculiar challenge: a short-term memory. Important lessons and concepts seemed to slip away from my grasp faster than I could retain them. It was a frustrating experience, but I was not willing to let it hinder my progress.

I took various steps to tackle this obstacle head-on. I implemented rigorous review sessions before exams, ensuring that I repeated and absorbed the necessary information. Unfortunately, even with my efforts, I still struggled to recall crucial details when faced with test papers. It seemed as though my short-term memory had a mind of its own, refusing to cooperate when it mattered the most.

One time, there was a particularly stressful time during my academic journey when I had an important exam looming ahead. As the weight of the impending evaluation sat heavily upon my shoulders, I found myself grappling with the frustrating challenge of recalling the lessons and information I had diligently studied. As I desperately tried to remember, I would either stare at the ceiling or fix my gaze upon my teacher's face. Yet, my teacher, a keen observer with a mischievous glimmer in her eyes, couldn't help but notice this peculiar habit of mine. Amusement danced across her features as she would occasionally catch my wandering eyes and chuckle softly at my antics. It was as if she found humor in my revered yet futile attempts to draw inspiration from the bare ceiling above.

After that day, a friend of mine who was also my house mate, offered me an intriguing solution. He suggested that I should drink coffee while studying as a way to enhance my memory retention. Curiosity piqued my interest, and I decided to give it a try. To my surprise, the strategy proved effective. The caffeine seemed to stimulate my mind, allowing me to better absorb and remember the material from my notes. It was a breakthrough, and I was filled with newfound hope.

However, life has a way of throwing additional obstacles our way. Unfortunately, due to health issues, I had to cease my coffee consumption. I was forced to bid farewell to this newfound solution that had proven so effective in helping me overcome my short-term memory struggles. The absence of coffee took a toll on my study sessions, resulting in frequent headaches and a sense of frustration.

In spite of these setbacks, my determination to pursue a degree in Bachelor of Secondary Education majoring in Mathematics remained unwavering. I understood the importance of education for my future, and I was not willing to allow my challenges to dictate my path. Though the road seemed arduous, I made a commitment to myself to press forward, come what may.

My educational journey has been marked by moments of complacency, personal growth, and unexpected challenges. My battle with a short-term memory has certainly tested my resilience, but it has also fueled my determination to overcome the odds. I recognize that my path may not be conventional, but I firmly believe that my struggles will ultimately shape me into a stronger and more successful individual. And so, I continue to navigate the complexities of academia, armed with a resilient spirit and an unwavering commitment to my education and future.

© Jovan_love