

A Lost Little Girl's Smile! chapter six
Well we made it but we are tired yet excited to see our new home . We all get out of the truck and start running around looking at every little space opening every door every cabinet and we even have to look at the basement and outside in our yard. We opened the back gate and let puggles and Rex run the back yard chasing us those are our two dogs we brought with us from our old house. We all were running telling each other what rooms we wanted and who was sharing with who . Then momma hollars come on inside kids so we can tell you who has what rooms and who shares with who there were three bedrooms upstairs and two down in the finished basement the was a livingroom kitchen and bathroom up stairs and a recreation room food pantry and a laundry room and two smaller rooms we know one is dad's office and not sure about the other one but that will come I'm sure .Well momma and dad gets the big bedroom at the end of the hall next to the bathroom . Margie and Nancy get the bedroom at the end of the hall accross from that momma says . The Clyde and Robbie get the first bedroom down the hall. Clyde you and Greg take you pick of the two bedrooms downstairs and then let momma know which one each of you decide .Then everyone we need to start unloading and get some beds up before it gets late .
© Little Girl Lost 2020
© Lost Little Girls Smile!