

A Billionaire's Love❤️(Chapter - 3)
Hello Readers❣️❣️❣️

A Blind Billionaire💸💸found Meera's details by his Personal Assistant Rahul.

He feels worried that he can't see her beautiful face with his own eyes.He is going crazy to find her character by becoming her friend!!

But he feels that is impossible because of the past incident happened between them.

So for the first time,he is ready to change his personality as a beard and messy hair man then showing to world that he is blind.

Till now, he is just pretending about his blindness for the sake of his reputation!!

Now he changed his character into an poor man who is working as a typewriter in small scale industry just for becoming friend with Meera!!

Meera used to visit the typewriting block just to visit the special person weekly once at any cost and boost their motivation!!

On that day, she found a new man named Naveen.

Naveen is noone than Ram (A billionaire)

She feels bad for his blindness but at the same time she cheered him up to look after the world in a different way.

She says many inspirational stories which will help special people to enhance themselves to go ahead in life with atmost smile on their face.

After sometime, she played a game called "Spell Bee"

It is nothing but a spelling of some words, which might be difficult or easy but the thing is the participants appreciated here, Meera says in a happy voice.

Raise up your hands!! If you agree to play this game!!

Naveen eagerly raised his hands and some special people too raised the hands.

But Meera want all of them to participate because they need to live their lives with full of positive hope

So she says that, " Who is going to win this game will get a nice reward!"

With in a second each and everyone raised their hands as a small kid

Watching their attitude Meera felt so happy.

The participants are,

Naveen, Neha, Rudra, Gowtham, Meena, Nisha, etc....

Meera started the game and the duration is 50 minutes.

Everyone is answering the spell of words but Rudra got tensed due to the timings and says everything in a wrong way.

Eventhough, at the end of the game, Meera praised Rudra for not stopping his participation during the game.

He feels happy after hearing those positive words.

Then the result are announced.

Obviously the first prize goes to Naveen!!

Second one: Gowtham
Third one: Nisha

Each and everyone got prizes and motivated them by Meera's wonderful healing speech!!

When she tried to give prize,Naveen was called upon on stage.

When she touched his hand she felt some grip which is related to that argument guys grip!!

She was confused but managed herself to believe that this guy is a special person and the argument one is some other 😈!!

Naveen felt happy as she touched her hands with affection!!

He feels like he got some wings to fly in his own world along with Meera.

Eventhough he can't hold any hand with soft grip but a hard grip even if it is happiness or pain.

Soon, everyone moved to their home but Naveen is still waiting for his friend to reach his home.

But Meera noticed him earlier and was about to help him to drop his home.

Naveen refused but Meera became adamant to drop him in her scooty.

So he sat on the scooty with the help of Meera but worried that his true colours will reveal if he reach his home.

At the same time, he is happy to travel with his impressive girl.

He is not even getting what kind of relationship is this till now but he feels happy and comfortable with Meera's voice and actions!!

Meera's voice became a rhytm to his heartbeat❤️❤️

What is going to happen next??
Stay tuned for next chapter guys!!❣️❣️❣️❣️

© Fragrance