

Untold love story
CH - 2.

After few days, Riya and Roy met again and Roy was very excited to share his feelings and emotions with Riya, but there was something waiting for Roy which he never expected.
One day there was a party at Riya's office and all her colleagues with their families were attended the party, it was quite good and everyone enjoyed it, later one of Riya's friend posted the pictures of party in FB and Riya also shared some pics in her whatsapp status as well, after sometime, Roy saw some pics and asked Riya, where was the party? She said: at the office and he replied : oh okay, then Roy saw some more pics of the party and he said that: Your looking very beautiful in the saree, Riya replied: thank you and then he asked Riya who's that cute little boy with you in the pic! Riya said without any hesitate: that cute boy is my son, Roy was shocked by hearing this and he was totally gone blank for a while and he started thinking in different way about Riya , he came down on his knees and started crying like a kid he was out of control, he couldn't share his feelings to anyone because he knows that Riya was thinking that Roy is just a friend, so after some time, Roy thought that: Let me understand first what Riya thinks about me and even I will try to understand about her past, present and future as well. So Roy decided to meet Riya as soon as possible. It was evening time, office hours was about to be over and Riya was standing at the bus stop waiting for a bus, Roy was thinking to call Riya and ask her for a cup of coffee as he called her and asked where are you?
Riya replied that: on the way to home. Then Roy said that: I'm also on the way to home, so can we meet for a minute somewhere in the coffee shop just for 10 minutes if you don't mind. Riya said: Ok but only 10 minutes, because my son will be waiting for me, so I have to go soon.
Then both joined at the coffee shop and Roy was wearing is sunglasses because he wanted to hide his emotions and Riya looked at him and asked what happened to your eye why are wearing the spect is everything okay? . Roy didn't said anything and he asked: shall I order the coffee! Riya said: Ok but I can stay for 10 minutes only. so please make it fast. Roy was not able to talk with her in normal way, because he was fighting himself inside with his mixed emotions and with lot of questions in his mind. Finally with strong hearted he started asking: Riya never told me that you have a child?, then Riya said: maybe we never discussed about our personal life so, Roy asked: if you don't mind can we share our personal life with each other if you're interested and Riya said: definitely because we are good friends now we must about each other, but some another time because I have to rush so. Roy was not ready to leave her because he wants to know everything about Riya, so he said: if you don't mind can I know about your past? Riya said: my past life was not so good, Roy said: if you don't want to share it is okay, I can understand, no problem, then Riya said: nothing much about my past it was very simple and clear that my husband was not ready to take responsibilities of me and my child and he left us, so I'm staying with my parents, because of my parents support, today I'm standing independent and looking after my son as well. being single mother it's not so easy, everytime there will be a fear what society says what kind of rejections I should face, what kind of dominate words I should hear, etc but between this my parents supported me a lot, for everything they stood beside me and motivated me to live my life with self respect, so today I am happy that I am a single parent. this is my past. Roy was looking at her with full of tears in his eyes and said there is so much pain inside you but you never express your pain, I saw only one side of you as very active always smiling but the other side your totally different, and you have never showed up that so much pain was inside you, why ? Riya smiled and said if I express my pain I feel that I am losing my faith and self respect, so I made myself so much strong enough that no one can cheat me again in my future. Roy, was still looking at her continuously and suddenly Riya looked at Roy's eye and said I think something is going in your mind I can see it on your face, if you want to ask something else you can ask me, because now we're friends right, Roy couldn't say anything to Riya.
Both were silent for a while and Riya said that I have to go bye, Roy also stood up and said: can I buy some chocolates for your son! if you don't mind can I? Riya said it's ok why formalities, but Roy said: I feel happy if you take this chocolates and then Riya smiled and said thank you.

After this meeting Roy decided to expresses his feelings with Riya and he wanted to make sure that he will be always with her life long.

Next what happened will see in the CH-3
