

Abscond the darkeness
Author's P.O.V.~

Ishaanvi being in a trance walked through the corridor of the large and opulent palace . Suddenly she paused seeing the very same dark figure standing in front of her and frowned .

"His majesty , trusts you but I don't. And I will make sure you do not tell this secret to lady Julia." Suryavarth spoke with a stoic face and cold tone.

"Are you done? I do not need your trust. Do I look like I am dying for you to trust me?"Julia spoke in a somewhat nonchalant but angry tone .

Suryavarth taking a step closer leaned forward slightly looking dead straight at Ishaanvi's eyes. "I am not joking , Lady Ishaanvi . I WILL be watching you." He spoke in a somewhat threatening tone.

"What is your probl-"Ishaanvi paused seeing Julia coming her way with a somewhat curious but confused expression.

Suryavarth bowed his head in respect seeing Julia and she smiled at him then looked at Ishaanvi."What are you doing here? Who is he? Why are you talking to him?" Julia whispered to Ishaanvi.

"I will take my leave first." Suryavarth spoke and walked away making Julia's eyes shifting back to Ishaanvi.


Julia urged.

"Nothing much , he is that basta- his majesty's guard."

"But why were you talking to him , that too in the middle of the corridor?"Julia questioned.

"I told you it's nothing much , I just came back after visiting his majesty so he asked Suryavarth to escort me back." Ishaanvi shrugged.

Julia raised an eyebrow. "Addressing each other by names already , huh?" She teased.

Ishaanvi made a puking face and shook her head at Julia's suggestive tone. "Don't worry , I do not like that man , and the feeling is very much mutual from his side."

"Hm? wierd . Why would you hate each other? Isn't this the first time you met him?"
Julia asked while they both walked back to Julia's chambers .

"I did , but he is such a rude man. Anyways , I hate him . I hate him from the bottom of my heart , from my whole being and soul."
Julia was surprised looking at Ishaanvi and hearing her words filled with hate , she has never seen Ishaanvi hating someone so quick and so strongly before.

© Lexi