

The better sister
Chapter 3

Meme looked in the mirror with her all-black dress on ready to head out back home. She was thinking about whether she wanted to go or not. Her phone began to ring seeing its Liam

"Hey," she said

"How you feeling babygirl?" He asked

"Honestly I don't know. I have this feeling" she said

"You and what your sister is going threw is a lot. But it's time to face them problems. You ain't been home in years." He said

"Yeah, I know I'm about to head out now." She said

"Look I can come if you want me to. I have nothing else going on" he said

"Thought you would never as,k" Meme said getting happy

Meme just wanted some boy by her side while going home and she knew Liam would be by her side threw whatever cause he was the only one who knew her.

"I'll pack a bag and meet me at my house we can take my truck instead of your little car," he said laughing

"Oh joked huh?" She said laughing

"I'll see you in a minute baby girl he said hanging up.

Meme grabbed her bag and headed out towards Liam's house which was 30 minutes away from hers. She pulls up getting.out knocking on the door. When he opened it he was already ready to leave.

"Shit let's go I'm ready," he said locking his door

"Damn, what's the rush?" She asked

"Who is in a rush? I told you I would be ready when you got here" he said laughing

"Bet have nobody hiding in the house," she said laughing

"Now you know damn well I don't let no chick come to m I go to them," he said opening the side door for her.

"Get in for I would some ass," he said laughing closing the door behind her.

They head out heading towards the highway.

"So how long are we staying?" He asked

"Honestly I don't even know. If things go well I'm saying 3 days. But if not I'm leaving that morning" she said

"I hope shit goes smooth. I think it's needed. And the way you talked to me the other day on the phone sounds like you miss her" He said

"Don't get me wrong I miss my sister she helped me become the woman I am today. But why so much hatred toward me? What did I do?" She asked

"Maybe you ain't do nothing. But to her, you probably hurt her in some type of way. And that's what you need to figure out what's the problem" he said

"I love having you as my friend. " meme said looking at Liam

"I'm gonna always be here for you meme." He said

"Do I act bougie to you? Or do I act like I'm better than everyone? Serious question" she asked

"No, you don't. Yes you look bougie by how you dress and the car you drive but if people knew the real you they'll see a sweet lady who just doing what she needs to do" he said

"Thank you," meme said

Meme and Liam pulled up 4 hours later to her mom's house seeing two cars outside she didn't know if her sister was already in there or not. Meme got out with Liam. Liam grabbed the bags and headed to the front door. Meme opened it seeing her auntie Pam and her mother.

"Auntie sweetpea," Pam said getting up and hugging Meme

"Hey Auntie I missed you a lot," she said hugging her back.

Meme walked up to her mother giving her the longest hug.

"I love you Mom and I'm sorry for not reaching out like I was supposed to," Meme said looking her her mom in the eyes.

"You okay baby just as long as you reach out here and there I'm coo," Debra said

"And who is this fine man I'm? looking at" Pam said looking at Liam

"I'm Liam. Nice to meet you Mrs.." he said holding out his hand

"Just call me Pam. I need to take you home with me" Pam said flirting

"Now Auntie stp. This is Liam's mom and I hope it's okay for him to stay with me. If not we'll get a hotel" Meme said

"It's okay. No sex in my house" Debra said

"Mom we're not together we're just real good friends," Meme said laughing.

"Nice to meet you I'm Liam," he said reaching his hand out to Debra.

"And is nice to meet you, Lia," Debra said

Hailey got the crying in the back.

"Who's crying?" Meme asked

"Hailey" Debra said going to get her from the room

"And who's Hailey's auntie?" Meme asked

"Your niece," Pam said sitting down

Debra came out holding Hailey. Hailey had brown skin light brown eyes and long curly hair.

"Say hi to your auntie meme," Debra said

"She's so beautiful," Meme said grabbing Hailey from her mom

Hailey just looked at Meme staring before she started crying again

"OH no sweetpea I'm your auntie and I'm so sorry for not being in your life," meme said becoming upset

"She's probably hungry," Debra said going to the kitchen to grab something

"It's okay Mom I got some chips right here," Meme said grabbing some Cheetos from her purse and handing them to Hailey.

Hailey grabbed them and ate them getting down

"So you will be back she had to go do the macaroni," Debra said

"Look me and your sister already disagreed before she left," Pam said

"Look auntie I ain't come for that. I'm here to try to fix whatever problem I and her got" Meme said

"I know baby but I'm letting you know.

"Pam not right now. She just got here. ND Yall got into it because you be budding in on a conversation that has nothing to do with you" Debra said

Pam ain't say nothing

"I'm going to put my bags and stuff up," Meme said going upstairs to her old room

She entered her old room which still looked the same as since she was a little

"So this was you?" Liam asked

"Yeaandad nothing changed," she said sitting her bags down

"Not bad for a big room and a small bed," Liam said laughing

"Jokes much. Don't do my room. I loved my small bed too but we gone have to change this out 'cause we are both not fitting" Meme said laughing.

© Myesha O