

Catharsis Of Areca Palm.
The moments where I am entirely absorbed is indoor gardening, it's more than a hobby to me.Indoor gardening is like a gorgeous indoor sanctuary. Waking up to some more benefits, is healing. All indoor ornamental plants and flowers, I love to nourish in my indoor area, but it's not easy for me to maintain that's why most of my indoor plants are Areca Palm, it's easy to maintain and gives a lovely plush look, it needs a consistently warm
environment with high humidity and just the right lighting. It needs bright but indirect light. It's an air-purifier. For me it's a thought purifier. In fact I have made my living room a jungle of Areca Palm, circled in a fencing of dense leaves of Areca...It beautifies the interiors, the fine texture leaves of Areca remains green all year around with minimal effort. It can bring beauty to the home by giving it a tropical touch. Also the large fronds create
a bold statement with huge, fan-like foliage. Easy to propagate and creates positive energy. The easy lush and plush is
Areca Palm's gardening.
Mishra Poonam