

The rising sun proliferating its beacon of orange light in the blue sky....
The sombre white beam splitting into a vibrant band of seven colours...
A neonate opening its tiny little eye, rolling its miniscule fingers around yours...
A bird pecking on its grain mighteously breaking it into microscopic particles...
These and many more are all universe saying 'Hey, this is an incomprehensible version of ecstacy. This is what real pleasure is.

HAPPINESS is all about emotions of joy, love, victory, smile, laughter, pleasure, comfort, feeling free, being you. Succinctly everything positive, uplifting, cheerful and insiprational.

It is an entity that gushes up the adrenaline inside you... Prepares you to get back up after a lost battle, a challenging situation, a tough time, a stance of low passion, vigour and vitality and to finally hit back the bull's eye.

Everything hitherto we do is all for the attainment of this very objective. We study, we play, we train and get trained, build our careers, fall in love, we travel, get married, have kids and all this is to have a piece of this sweet pie.

But,not many are aware that happiness is not what you look out rather its all about looking inside you. Get this 'YOU' are the real source of this feeling of contentment. Knowing yourself brings you closer to the root of this iceberg.

So, now is the time to fall in love with yourself, to follow your instincts, to do what your heart says making the brain a guide and not a lead, to wipe off the shrinking violets canopy around you, to make your foot tap on the beat of an old odd number, to dress up in the most bizzare but 'your' comfortable way, to have the most gluten day of your life, to carry out the most crazy adventure you ever dreamt of, to gift yourself the most drooling prize of satisfaction. Do all what you ever thought of coz life is too mystic to cater to someone else's desires without prioritizing yourself.

Its a game of adoring, encouraging and pampering the complete package of 'you'. Let your inner soul connect with the smile of your eyes. This is where you meet the most lovable,admirable, motivated and the best version of you.

This is where you say , 'I AM HAPPY!!!'