

Will life change? (EPISODE-3)
After our conversation we came down
my dad asked him both of you spoke?
yes he replied with a smile and our parents discussed about our marriage plans
Then everyone leave my house, navin! had said bye by his eyes that no one could notice him
I said go safe as reply by my eyes
I blushed
After they gone i went to my bed room and took my personal diary of past year
In which i had mostly written about navin
I like navin but i don't think to marry him! but destiny made
Still i remember those days navin tried to impress me
I start reading my diary
That was the 1st year i joined my college. navin was my senior to me 1st day i meet him in my class he came to ask name for the dance program i was passionate about dancing so i given name to him he smiled at me and asked again i replied again "my name is Sara"
That was the moment he felt in love with me he always used to come for seeing my dance rehearsal
One fine day my foot was get sprain during my dance he came with first aid box his eyes filled with tears i asked what is your name he replied navin... and he scolded me how careless you are while dancing take care yourself that moment i realized his love towards me
The way he cared me told everything about his love before he confess his love
I thanked him for first aid and i go again for my practice session
After that dance performance he came to meet me and he confess his love
But i refuse to accept his love and told just now i entered college life i need to go long way to achieve my dreams i don't want to waste my time on loving someone...
He genuinely said yes but still i will love you and wait for you i promise you I'm the one will marry you
I didn't believed him that day but now he became the person whom I never give up on.