

Different Worlds- letter to therapist(part1)
email to my therapist, Pamela, about my parts

Little Judi's--2,3,7&9
"Leader" 9
Teenage Judi's--13, 15&17
”Leader" 15

I met "Teenage Judi/17" for the first time on August 19th 2020. Up to this point meetings had only been with "Teenage Judi/15 & "Little Judi/9" (to my knowledge they were my only parts.) I recently learned that there are 4 little Judi's, 2, 3,7 & 9 And 3 teenage Judi's- 13, 15 & 17. Teenage Judi/ 17 has served sort of as the explainer since we began interacting. This meeting was just us 2. She gave me the origin stories to all the parts. She explained that Little Judi / 9 & Teenage Judi/ 15 are kind of the "leaders" of their subjective group. Little Judi / 9 was the first to manifest in a physical form- as in fronting- when I was 9 years old. This was the age where abuse wascreintroduced into my life. When I was 8 I spoke up about the abuse. My mother confronted him. It stopped. When I was 9 1/2 my perp was reintroduced and I created a "mirror Self". This Little Judi dealt with the abuse. I was 9 at the time, so was she. This little had a personality herself; a personality of before the abuse stopped. This was a personality in the mist of it - Little Judi / 7. Little Judi / 7 had a very different split. It was a completely mental split. These parts never PHYSICALLY manifest. They are of physical abuse, not done on purpose (by my knowledge) when I was 2 & 3 years old, living in the Dominican republic. I had an older cousin who reported to my mother head injuries on several occasions. I believe there was physical abuse at the time though I don't know if it was purposeful.
The sexual abuse went on till I was 13 years old & went into my first mental hospital.

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