

The cry was faint but I heard it, loud and clear as I walked past the dark bushes. My steps faltered. It was late and I wasn’t sure if it was a smart thing to stop and inspect the source.
But I did stop. Maybe somebody needed my help. I had just got out from the forest after a small hunt.

I, Savannah, had spent almost all of my childhood in these forest woods. This is a small town just beside the forest. Everybody knew each other. But we had moved to the city some years ago. I come here for vacations. I came here two days ago.

But presently I had to see what had happened. I walked briskly towards the sound. The cry came again and again a few times until it stopped. I couldn't hear anything now. I looked around and saw one of the houses was completely dark. All other houses were lighted by lamps. I guessed it to be the house where the sound had come from. I walked slowly into the house.
"Hello? Is anybody there? "
No reply.
"Does anybody need help? Is everything alright? Hello? "
I still didn't see nor hear anything. I walked futher into the house. I switched on the light and to my horror, saw two dead bodies. I gasped and pushed myself back a little. I took out my phone to call the police when I heard the siren approaching.
'Had somebody already called the police? '

I went to the door to look outside and saw two police cars. One of the officers pointed a gun towards me and said, "You are under arrest. Do not try to escape or I'll shoot. "
I was shocked. What the hell is happening?
"Umm.. there is a mistake. Why are you arresting me? "
"We've been informed that you have sneeked into this house. You have been caught robbing this house. "
"What? Are you serious? You don't understand. There are... "
Before I could say anything, they found the dead bodies.

Within a few minutes, I was inside the police car. Nobody was listening to me. I had been charged of murder and robbery, of which I had done nothing. I was taken to the police station, locked up in the cell for three days, until my neighbor, who had known me for quite some time, hired me a lawyer.

The lawyer came the next day.
"Hi, Miss Jordan. I am James Stark. I am your lawyer. Can I ask you some questions? "
"Yes, of course. "
He started asking me all sorts of things about what had happened. I told him what I had seen and why I had gone there.
"So you believe that somebody else did this and you happened to be there by chance? "
"Exactly. That's what I am saying. I had nothing to do with this. "
"Hmmm... "
"So... can something be done? "
"Did you see somebody there? Like when you entered the house?"
"Okay. I'll figure out something. Don't worry. "
He got up to leave. But before going he said, "And just so that you know, The one who called the police station, his name is Mark Hughes. Do you know him? "
"Yeah, how can I not know him. He was one of my dad's competitors. He and dad had never been friends. And his son, Louis, had asked me out, but I had rejected him. Since then, we haven't talked."
"Okay.. "

He nodded and went. For the next seven days, he paid me visits, telling me about the progress. My parents hadn't been informed about this. They probably didn't know where I was. So the only one I could actually rely on, presently, was James. My case had been filed in the court and the trials were starting from the next day.

"Why haven't you informed my parents till now? "
"Ummm... I don't think they should be troubled with all this. Once you get out, you... can pay them a visit. "
"But still. They should know."
"Yeah. You are right. "
But I could see that suddenly all the colour had drained from his face.
I touched him on the shoulder and asked, "Hey, James, Is everything alright? "
He didn't say anything for some time. I knew something was wrong.

He took my hand from his shoulder and placed it into his hands, slowly, he said, "Your... Your parents... They died in an accident the next day after this incident. I am sorry I couldn't tell you. I didn't want to break you apart. I am sorry. "

His sorry didn't matter. The next moment, my world was spinning. I couldn't breathe. Tears filled up my eyes and everything went black.
When I woke up, James was sitting besides me, holding my hand. I pushed him, and said,
"I don't want you here. Just go. I don't wanna fight. I am okay in this cell. I have nothing to go back to. So just go. Don't waste your time. "
"Listen... Savannah... listen to me.."
I wasn't letting him speak. I had already started crying. Somehow he got past my hands trying to hit him hard and hugged me and held me there until I stopped struggling. He sat besides me and and held me in his arms. I don't remember falling asleep.

But the next, when the trial began, I wasn't interested at all. I just sat there and stared into nothingness. The case went on for three days, the same as today. Finally, I was called. I answered all the questions. But I didn't know what would happen.

The next day was the last day of the trial. I had no idea how these days had gone by. But tomorrow, my sentence would be decided. Though I had no hopes for going back home ever, I had no interest in asking James about it. I spent all the time in the court, looking at nothing and all the other time being with James. I had started to like him a lot. And I wanted to spend more time with him, after losing my parents.

And tomorrow would probably be the last time I'll ever talk to him. Yes, I was sad, but not because I would have to spend the rest of my life in prison, I had prepared myself for it already, but because I'll never be able to see James again.

Finally, the last day came, and I was taken to the court. I saw James in a very good mood. He looked more handsome when he smiled. I smiled back. I sat down. Finally, the judge came and announced his decision.
"After listening to all the witnesses and seeing all the proofs, the court has decided to bail Miss Savannah Jordan since it has been proved that she had no part in the murder or the robbery, and since the actual murderer has been found."

I didn't know what to say. This was totally unexpected. I looked at James and he nooded and smiled. Finally, the court was dismissed. I went towards James and asked him, "How did this happen? "
He looked at me surprised.
"You really didn't listen to anything right? During the sessions? "
"Why? No actually. "
"Oh shit. You missed my exceptional performance. "
He said, smiling.
"I am sorry"
"Chill. I was kidding. "

I was about to leave when he said, "Ummm... By the way, can we go out? "
"Like? Dinner or date? "
He smiled a bit and said, "Dinner maybe..... or... even date's fine"
I smiled and said, "Sure."

And that's how another love story began....
© Rishita