

2c.ATOM IS A GREAT UNIVERSE having gigantic internal structure&properties just like as our Geouniverse seen around our earth having galaxies stars planets and photon having gigantic internal structure&properties similar to atom as the reason for the different forms of the photon is that it's internal structure has the same structure as the atom. What's more, the atoms having Earth-like Neutrons on which there are continents oceans countries and civilized humans are also living.Irlapatism is proposed by me in 1977 with many intentions&ambitions to study the origin structure nature and evolution of the universe and to explain the mysteries of the creation such as first one.Find out my theory in all websites by searching it's name IRLAPATISM-A NEW HYPOTHETICAL MODEL OF COSMOLOGY BY GANGADHARA RAO IRLAPATI. Kindly accept my Hypothesis by making references in your publications in lieu of considering my immense efforts in postulating my theory and my quest to break the mysteries of the creation&use it for mankind.Make further research&develop,promote&propagate it
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