

Rule of Twain

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These are the words that I have kept in mind since decades to live a life in which there involves a plan and completeness. I never wanted to be someone who doesn't have completeness in Thier lives and by completeness I mean they leave people without a reason just to staisfy thierselves without even taking into consideration what the other person will fall into after they will left. Now when you left people like this you start creating holes in your life which ultimately destroy your peace.And if you don't have peace you will not be able to focus on anything. well I hope you all know now what happens when you do not have focus.You waste your life in doing the absurd things and sometimes for which you have no compassion for There is another category of people relating to non -completness
they are the ones who will start one thing but will left it immediately just because it didn't pay off instantly. They don't wait with Patience that they need to work hard and struggle to a point that they want to reach. on a serious note I don't even get the point of the people who think like that because if you will reach the peak in one attempt or in just one day .What will be the story of your struggle ?
I woke up one day and everything changed for me ?
That will be such a boring story to address.
Now coming to the second category that is planning . Without a plan even the genius cannot reach a Destination. Look if you want to reach a place you make sure that you know the road and you make a plan according to that when you will leave and where you will take the breaks.
so why not plan for what you really want ?
why take it non-seriously ?
why not make it give it a try because they are worth it ?
These Two things are something that I have followed my whole life and still following . i call them the rule of Twain which is an archic term for two.
Now these twain keeps me going and it makes me feel at least I do not belong to that population of the world that are blessed with the intelligence but still they choose to waste Thier lives.
Said by Aghan A business Men at Red Fox a motivational organisation.
Regarding His Achievements he had become the youngest billionaire and is one of the major business Tycoon in his home state United Kingdom .He was living a wonderful life but hasn't been into a relationship yet.He was invited by Red Fox to share his story.