

This not that lipstick I picked but he
had it in my pocket book . Oh when
I was not looking then I see it and say
how did this get in here. And he try
to change the subject but I see he got
something behind his eyes and it's not
what I thought it was so I say I got
to go to the bathroom once I do
then. He says honey can you pore
me a drink when you come back.
Yes baby anything. So I go to the
lady's room wash my hands an I open
the lipstick and it is changing it not
what I thought. It's a transmitter and
I been on the air with the feds but only
I didn't know it. So I drop it in the toilet
and act like it fell. Then I go back out
there and pore him a drink I don't hurt
him or nothing just play it cool an say
I will be gone for to weeks I got some
things I have to do. To get myself right
with my job an health this pandemic is
crazy. So I give him a kiss and leave in
my lambo. But once I do some other
car is following me an I don't know
why? So I get out of there. cause my car
can go fast. And I don't look back
now I am in the country. An it's a whole
different life not the regular but I don't
want to be in jail for I never did this man
wrong but in his life. He got the wrong
bodyguards telling him he got to turn
states evidence on me. But what did I
do but love you. So I will say this you
can't frame me to get you out of bad
situations. So rode all night and got
away with 3 million an a lotto ticket
you know it's 20 million this week
so. I walk to the house where I am
to stay but there is a car there and I
was not to have guest so I am like
play it cool no one knows your story.
So I walk in an it's a guy on the couch
and he needs my help but I don't know how he even know me. So what I do
is ask what is this an he answers well.
I am that room mate and it's about time
that we find out how you and I can make
more money then you and me can ever
image bay. Then we laugh and who knows what is next.
© lashes sullivan