

the girl under my bed.
the girl was staring back at me. I was too scared to even speak at my Silent Scream sword through she was staring at me from under my bed she said "do you want to be my friend I don't have any" better red eyes gleamed Under the Bed shiny crazy teeth showinshowing.scared for my life my immediate answer was yes. but the next night when I promised her I would look out under the bed every night to talk to her I didn't and now I regret my decision and I and now hiding in my closet from the girl under my bedshe started whispering "my child come out you will regret it all I ask for you is to just come out and play we'll play hide and seek tag don't let yourself get eaten." I did not know what to do so I crawled out and said" can we just play Let's go to sleep" and then she said" if you want to but trust me you won't wake up in the morning." AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!