

He walked inside the office room where meeting was going on. Mr.Choi, your father, to be more clear, head of the police department was scolding their officers. This is also a common thing now. One death! Then scold the officers for being not strict then again normal life. No seriousness.

"Oh Kim Taehyung! I thought you will not come today." Mr.Choi says.

Taehyung just sighs and walks into Mr.Choi's office room. After meeting when Mr.Choi comes inside he finds Taehyung reading newspaper. It's a recent murder news.

"What's the use of reading when you can't find the killer?" Mr.Choi yells before taking seat.

Taehyung just sits silently but after hearing to all of the Mr.Choi's bickerings he punches the table with his fists. He is very much ill-tempered.

"Listen Mr.Choi! Don't order on me! I am one in charge and I've caught so many criminals! This ain't a big deal for me." And he walks out.

True. Taehyung isn't a police but he is detective. Government assigned him this case since police aren't catching the killer. Taehyung is also a smart detective still being in his 20's. He is very intelligent.

Taehyung just asked police to help him so that they don't feel insecure.

Later, Taehyung in angry mood is sitting in the nearest cafe from his house and drinking juice. He have a habit of drinking juice when he is angry or sad.

His eyes are watching the busy road outside the cafe. Everyone are so busy in their life but everyone had a common fear now! About the killer. What if they become the next target for killer? Killer isn't killing just girls to assume that killer want to pleasure. Killer is also killer boys and even no age limits. All kind of genders and all kind of ages.

Taehyung's phone beeps as he is about to sip the juice. He puts the juice glass down the glass table and his dark eyes read the name.

'Mr.Choi(Head of the department.)' 

He thinks for a second if he should answer or not. When he is about to decline the call, it is declined from other side. He clenches his jaw and sips the juice. Again his phone rings.

He, this time without wasting time answers it.

"Hello!" Cold!

"Kim! Sorry. Okay. I was so frustrated with this killer. I am sorry. For compensation, you can come to my house for dinner." Taehyung's light up as soon he hears this. Of course, he was of course trying to find ways to visit Mr.Choi's house.

And that's for you. Taehyung saw you last time in a party. He liked you. He knows you're a big flirt and brat but still he is interested in you.

"Okay Mr.Choi! You're begging me this much so I will come for sure." Voice totally strict while he replied but his face was showing how happy he was.

"Thanks. Will be waiting for you tomorrow." And then the call ends.

Taehyung was about to stand but he hears something. A conversation of two young girls. They look like college student. There are batches on their shirts.
One girl's name written 'Nex.' and another one? Taehyung isn't able to see another girl's name. He states intensely at Nex who is speaking, "You know that pervert rejected me! I wanted him so badly though. How needy I am for him."

Taehyung smirks and walks out.


Later that night, Nex, the college student is walking out of the club. Drunk! Taking drunken steps.

She is struggling with her car key. She is trying to unlock her car but it's not unlocking. Cellar is dark. Silent wrapped in air. No one else in the cellar other than Nex. Maybe.

Just then suddenly, someone hits her head. She first falls on the ground and next looks at the killer with her half open eyes.

Killer drags her toward the car and throws her in back seat. It's killer's car. And drives off.

After reaching killer's hideout, killer throws the girl on the table. Killer is very strong. Lilies smell wrapping in air. Killer first removes all the cloths on Nex, then start to make cuts on her body with knife. Writing something with those cuts indirectly.

It's like some secret code.

Then killer takes the knife toward her lower stomach and makes a big cut. Blood gushing out.

"Let's see for how many days your eggs are froze for! So that you can fuck different guy for each day." And that's the killer's scary-sweet voice. Saying that line, killer stabs Nex's lower stomach's inner organs.

After satisfied, killer covers the Nex's body in a transparent white plastic cover and keeps a note.

'Your killer'

And this time, there's something else than only 'Your killer'

Killer also wrote, 'One clue to police! I love lilies but don't waste time! You can't catch me! Not even that Kim Taehyung!'

And the body is sent to their family. How cruel of this killer! Sending a girl's dead to their parents, that too naked girl. This time killer didn't chopped the parts but took some important internal organs.

To read this story check my wattpad profile - Purple_borahaewriter

© Akshaiya