

All sat around the table .The four of them stared unblinkably at one of their own. They still couldn't believe that which they had heard about him ,all the things that had been rumoured about what he had become

“Tell me they're all lies ,tell me what they say ain't the truth ,” his mother begged

His smaller sister was looking unaware of the current situation.
She did know about what they were talking about but saw no harm in it .

The father held his wife's hand ,trying to contain his anger .Even after all he had tried to become a good mentor to him ,he felt as though he had failed in his work as a father.

“Am sorry ma’ ”the boy breaks down crying ,“I wish it were that easy to lie about it but all that you've heard is true. ”

The mother burst into tears .The father was ready to pounce on him but his wife held his hand tightltightly .

“I am homosexual ”

© @lucky sleek