

The butterfly in virtual world
My rich grandfather was a successful businessman and philanthropist. He had a passion for technology and was always looking for ways to stay ahead of the curve. So, when he heard about the latest development in AI, he decided to hire an AI developer to map his brain like an AI. He kept this project a top secret from his family due to conflict and difference of opinions among his children and relatives but he wanted to make sure that his legacy would live on even after his death.

The AI developer worked diligently over the course of several weeks to map my grandfather’s brain and create an artificial intelligence version of him. My grandfather was pleased with the results and excited to see what the future held for this project.

After my grandfather passed away, his family was shocked to learn about the AI project from the account department as they see big bills and hidden transactions.

My grandfather decided the date for his AI version "NavRosh" launch will be the same as his last death ritual date, which is nothing but 5 days after his death. He knew that on the occasion all family members and friends will be together.

It was a Saturday 4 PM when prayer ends and people where thinking to wrap up the function.

Suddenly at the same time all family members and invites get the Facebook friend invite from NavRosh.

Same time !!??
His birthday was the same as my grandpa's date but his profile first post was today only!!!

Skeptical but excited.......


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