

My Unfinished Business

My Unfinished Business

It was a rainy afternoon. I heard the news from the radio says there was a typhoon, I just shrugged and continue my cooking for family dinner.

As I smell the aroma of the family's favorite dish, I remembered the days of my youth. My mother was teaching me how to cook the dish. I was dreaming of my future back then. "You must learn how to balance the flavor of your taste. Food and Life are the same. They were created to add taste to you. Life was too short; you must live it to the fullest." my beloved mother said.

That moment reminded me of how I used to keep cooking from the heart. I am working hard to have my own dressmaking shop someday. Along the way, I met the man of my life. He is awesome and I felt inlove. One day, I found out that I will be having my first born. It was quite an amazing and exciting feeling; but there was something inside of me reminding me of my dreams. Because I will be having my own family soon, I set it aside.

Time flies so fast, My family gets bigger. Now I have three granddaughters and four grandsons.
I took care of them as I let my daughters work for their living. I wash the dishes, I cook the family meals, and I clean the house. I also send my grandsons to school and attend the Parent-Teacher Assembly because my daughters were at work. It now became my daily routine, far away to what I wanted for my future looks like.

Whenever I look at my daughters, they were always very busy for their futures. And I am busy too, not with my dressmaking shop but with taking care of my family. I sighed, thinking about my mother. "I am sorry mother I didn't make it." and I felt sad. Somehow, I feel regret not reaching my dreams.

By then, I felt a warm hug from behind. "Grandma, I am excited to taste our meal for today, I missed it." I smiled. It was my favorite grandson. "Okay, we will eat very soon little boy." I told him.

It was a great dinner for us. My whole family eats together our favorite meal. "I always missed your cooking, mother." My daughter said. "Your mother's cooking still the best. It is more tasteful than a fine dining restaurant served." My beloved husband said. They were laughing and talks about how tasteful my cookings are.

After the dinner, I washed the dishes as what I always do. I looked at them watching a movie together. They were happy and I feel grateful for them.

I went straight to the close window, and watched the rain falling in. I was thinking about my unfinished business, what would have happened if I have my own dressmaking shop now. Maybe I wont have time to take care of my grandchildren. Maybe I wont have time to cook for my family. And I looked up to the sky.

Have I really not achieved my dreams? Haven't I succeeded? Remembering my mother, remembering her words. "Family is the best thing on earth. Money, Fame and Power will run out. But family stays." I found my tears fell from my eyes. I succeeded. I achieved more than I have hoped for. My family is everything to me. I achieved something that cannot be traded to anything on earth.

"Grandma, why are you crying? Are you sick?." My grandson asked. "Oh, little boy you saw me." I smiled at him and held him in my arms. "Someday, you will understand. Do not forget that the family is the best thing in life." And we continued watching the rain falling outside the close window.