

The Magic of Smiling.
Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived a little girl named Martha. Martha was known throughout the land for her infectious smile. People from all over would come to see her just to catch a glimpse of her beautiful smile that seemed to light up the entire village.

One day, a wicked witch heard about Martha's smile and became jealous. She cast a spell on the kingdom, causing everyone's smiles to disappear. The once cheerful village was now filled with frowns and sadness.

Martha knew that she had to do something to bring back the happiness to her home. She went on a quest to find the source of the witch's power and to break the spell. Along the way, she met a wise old owl who told her that the key to defeating the witch was to spread joy and laughter wherever she went.

Martha took the owl's advice to heart and began visiting each person in the village, telling them stories, singing songs, and making silly faces to bring a smile to their faces. Slowly but surely, the village began to brighten up again as the power of Martha's smile spread throughout the land.

Finally, Martha faced the wicked witch in her castle. The witch sneered at her, saying that no amount of smiling could break her curse. But Martha stood tall and smiled her biggest, brightest smile. The power of her smile was so strong that it broke the curse, causing the witch to vanish in a puff of smoke.

The kingdom was saved, and the people rejoiced. Martha had shown them the magic of smiling and how it could overcome even the darkest of spells. From that day on, the villagers made sure to smile at each other every day, spreading happiness and joy wherever they went.
© Kirabo Writes