

[the toughest tourney: on a journey to harare]
[a #writco.in story series]

Gibson, a resourceful man, had a brilliant idea. He would start his journey to Harare at 2 a.m. and wait for the bus at the station. For two days, he planned and drafted his small business strategy, including how to sell his goods.

On the day of his journey, Maria, his wife, stayed home to help him prepare. She packed food for him to eat on the bus, and they shared a emotional goodbye. Maria was afraid of the city's reputation for causing men to forget their families, but Gibson reassured her, "I'll be responsible, and I'll never forget you and our son."

Gibson walked seven kilometers to the station, where he prayed and fell asleep while waiting for the bus. In his dream, an angel showed him a house in Dzivarasekwa, instructing him to rent it. The angel vanished, and Gibson woke up as the bus arrived.

He traveled to Dzivarasekwa, asked for directions, and found the house from his dream. The owner, Mr. Tau, rented him a room and offered guidance on where to buy and sell his goods. Tau introduced him to the wholesale market, and they bought stock before the shop closed. Tau also shared his own struggles and offered valuable advice.

Gibson faced challenges in his business, but Tau encouraged him to persevere. After four days of no sales, Tau suggested he try something different. He introduced Gibson to his friend's thatching company, and Gibson started a new job as a thatcher's assistant. Though the work was demanding, the pay was good.

The story continues, but Gibson's journey has already shown his determination, faith, and resilience. Despite the challenges, he remains focused on providing for his family.

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