

Better luck next time 😟
During my school days there was a fantastic piano player in our school backyard...The pianoist used to play so sweet melodies ,....it used to carry us away in his melodious lyrics..... We used to sit on the backside of the backyard just to listen to the Pianoist.I always had a dream to see the pianoist closed by ...but due to school policy we were not allowed to go there or even peep there. We stayed in our school hostel I had a few friends who had the same taste of food, colours and even likings .. isn't strange....due to that we were so close friends,and we were fanz of that Pianoist .
School annual day was coming ...we had taken special permission from Principal to call the pianoist to our school.... school authorities had objection related to it....but lastly we convinced our school authorities ... happiness had no bounds that on the annual day we will be seeing the Pianoist in front of us .. the one who used to carry us just in his piano playing ..no words we ever heard from the pianoist home just the playing of piano sounds ..
Dreams of seeing came to an end.... we were well prepared to welcome the Piano player to our school ..... unexpectedly our Principal told us to bring flowers from nearby shop.,... rushing out to flower shop a van came and hit us...here the dreams of seeing the Pianoist came to an end....
When I opened my eyes I and my friends were in hospital with stitches on hands and legs...teachers were surrounded us..eager to ask how we were feeling.... Damn I closed my eyes again just to see am I in dream or really I missed my dream to be fulfilled.Beter luck next time😟 was the only words echoing in my mind...