

Dystopianople: Evolve- Chapter 1
We found shelter in a large cave behind the waterfall. It went as far as three miles, it was hollow but strong all the way to the roof of the cave. A river running through a canon that split the cave was where we sought shelter.
We organized hunting groups and strategies, while further exploring the cave. Bits of a lost civilization were left in this cave. Thick, large wires held the cave walls from crumbling down on us. Many buildings, all filled with research, were discovered. Most days Humphery reads journals of the people who were here long ago, leaving me and Dekota to organize hunting groups.
Almost two years have gone by with only a few close calls with, what we call, Stalkers. Everyone in our group has put their experiences together and we have identified eighteen of the creatures.
I opened the old rusted door that closed Humphery in an office-like room, overgrowth growing through every crack, Humphrey sat with piles of kernels in front of him. He looked up from his work, “Charlie…”
I stood in front of the desk, “I can't convince you to take a break from those, can I? Well… what have you found?” His eyes lit up, “A secret… a power…” I was on edge of thinking he had completely lost it, he had a long beard and hair from spending so much time ungroomed.
He continued excitedly, standing up and walking around the desk, “A secret room! These journals and documents talk fondly of it! A power, of some sort, is in it!” I rubbed the back of my neck, Many of the labs were along the cave walls, the place was a maze!
I rolled my shoulders back, appearing stronger than before, “Does it say what this power is? Or where is this room located?” getting slightly ahead of myself I relaxed my expression, I didn't want to encourage him too much.
He shook his head, “This is the last journal I found, but I’ve noted many clues, I believe this power could destroy those Stalkers!” I glanced at the ground, unsure of his words. I changed the subject, “Hunting patrols are going smoothly, everyone is fed.”
Humphery slammed his hand on the table, “Don't you see?! If we don't find this power, these people, there would have been no point in saving them!” I flinched from the sudden power and frustration in his tone, I forced steady words out, “Humphery… maybe you're right… I’ve trusted you this long you haven't let be down. But me and Dekoda can't take care of everyone at once!”
Humphrey walked to the algae covered window that looked down at the gathered people far below, “Your right… what's worth finding this power if there is no one to use it to protect?” His eyes glowed again as he looked at me, “But maybe… we can still try to find it…” Humphrey whispered more words to himself. I noticed his thinner frame, showing his boney shoulders and arms.
I turned to leave, “We need you Humphery, don't let your search for power change that…” With that I closed the door behind me and followed the familiar trail back down a steep path. The path led down into the cavern where the river was.
Blue light shown from the small entrance from the cave far below me. The lightly running river that split though the cave gently moved beside my feet. A deep, almost suffocating, saddness spilled over me. My mind replaced the image of Todd’s limp body, mangled from that creature’s claws.
I sat beside the river, the cold stones smooth from the running water beside me. I wiped the gathering tears in my eyes as footsteps walked onto the rocks from the trail. I turned my head, and even in the dim light I could see it was Dekota.
His eyes were narrow, in any mood he seemed to always glare somehow. I stood up, my legs aching from the non stop walking, “What is it?” Dakota’s voice seemed annoyed as he responded, “What did Humphery say?” I felt myself become tense, Dakota shares the search for power like Humphery. I relaxed my shoulders, “Then go talk to him.”
Dekoda let out an annoyed puff of air, “Fine.” he then turned and hauled himself up the slope to the trail. I admired the overgrowth around me in the cave, many plants glowed brightly but settled tipped each plant. The effect is magical.
I made my way along the thin stream towards where everyone was gathered. There were many tents set up that we had made. A few children ran around, playing a game. I walked towards a larger tent that we used to settle disputes or hunting routes.
As I stepped in I moved draped animal pelts to get it. Audrey, our route organizer, stood over a close up map of the redwoods outside the cave, “Charlie.” I noticed a few other people standing around the table too. Charles and Brent, both twins who are skilled at archery.
“I came for the evening patrol.”