

Unexplained Waves Of eventsEverywhere
I see you and you hold me as we look at
these people laying wild. Who could have done such a thing in our store.
So we call the police and they investigate and tell us what happened.
All this people was driven crazy by the pandemic but did a flash mob but this had an evil twist. You see they did not know one was among them a killer.
So went time came he was running
And killing. As they was trying to steal
so they all died not facing him the wounds on the body's show. So police how do I explained this to the insurance company. Well call the head man and take pictures and send to them along with our police report
And you should get the right solution
from that. They broke our window s
To get in and busted chairs and tables
it will be awhile before I can start my
my business oh this is crazy why did they pick our store. So they cleaned and threw her computer she sent the info to the head guy who owned alot of businesses and what happened next only brakes out in comic books. But where there is mischievous there he
is popping out of no where ready and he owned the block of stores and got
In his limo and had his driver go down there. And the business owner told him what happened and he waved his hands. And told her you will change from this and sure enough she did he put a bad spirit in her hair and it fell down to her shoulders. And then the room changed back to normal as if the brake in never happened. An she asked the owner what's your real name in all
this and he said I am name less but to
you I be a contract. Then she try to run
but her hair wrapped around her face
as he put his hands in a pose and then she changed into a blue haired bad woman. And it was no more regular store keeper she was up to no good.
And then he played a stack of money
On her desk. And she was like thank you for fixing everything. No problems
but I must take your insurance payment out your cut and he did and she waved her hand and flames hit his back and he screamed I would not do that if I were you. And he waved his hands bitch I was here before you.
And I run this ok so there and she flew at the wall and waved her hand and he
fell into a table. So it was a great fight
of the two to see who was the stronger
but they killed each other the money
disappeared and the contract she had just signed. So because it was draw. The bar disappeared and there was a hole in the middle of the block. And the other
business owners wondered why and I knew. That it was only a matter of time before the new owner come around and he popped up to. An that limo door swing open and all the contracts
for the whole block came out the car they was all free and the limo flew up in the air and changed into a space ship
And with allow voice said I am out of
here. An the people or police did not
know that this was a an 👽 alien situation which could only be just that
weird. So the town was scared and there was no end to what was going to go on next because this is pandemonium in a pandemic with
emotions and words and in natural
And better looking and 👽 s all getting
In on horror on earth. So if it's any
regulars out there can you watch your
clocks and life because times are getting
crazier and crazier. But those who live on planet s be watching and be like
I am not going to messy with you but
who knows who they took over like the body snatches back in the day. If someone getting at you check for a pod in the house to make sure that you are letting in the real person and not it's alien look alike because one ship flew
but not a bunch so who else among
you is real and oh when the forget about you and don't come around no more. And the area get worst then it's
more space life on your block then humans. And you cry out and fight.
And the 🌎 changes and everyone is
left surviving in the mist of all these
New kind of storms. Which got us all thinking out the box. An I be like
Oh I just should have seen it before
the 🌎 changed into one big adventure
that got us watching fall outs and aftermath. Of other planets pushing the envelopes in our real lives. They need an award for that y'all the sky is
the limit I remember hearing this statement.

© lashes