


Life, we all know, isn't a bed of roses.. Irrespective of who a person is, challenges will surely come. But what makes you a a survivor is the feat you achieve.

Tade was born into the late 70s with high hopes for a very bright future. He was raised in the shack devoid of the best of the basic things of life. He was a brilliant kid among his peers. Even in his home, he was termed the 'Hope' of his family.

Like every other kids in his age group, he breezed into the primary school, a talent like never seen before. In fact, he was an embodiment of artistic prowess and an academic guru. Among his classmates, he was the Albert Einstein, and the 'Voltron, defender of his buddies'. At home, among his playmates, he was the 'omniscient' who gave answers to all questions and riddles. He was more like an extraordinary kid who lived next door among ordinary kids.

He graduated to the college where his exploits made him the apple of every teachers' eyes. He became a student whom every other parents considered as the 'real child'. At the junior level, he was ranked among the best in academics, a social 'animal' and the ambassador of excellence. When names were considered for accolades, he ranked first. Even when responsibilities were placed to be apportioned, he was always at hand to take it up. How great he was!
At the senior level in the college, he metamorphosed into a comrade who defended the course of others, not minding putting himself on the line. He was the Nelson Mandela of his peers, and the Jesus Christ of everyone. Everyone's course become his the moment his path crosses with theirs. Everywhere he went, he was always known, recognised and praised for his deeds and gestures.

At the university, Tade continued his good deed that earned him the name "Gentle T.", a name that endeared him to the heart of many, even the Vice Chancellor. One day, the university head had no choice but to ask for his company to learn from him justvlike every other person. After the meeting, the VC attested that, " Surely, you're a special breed, one amongst many. "
His fame was sang all the way till his final year when almost the entire students clamoured for his mandate to become their SUG President. In his usual modest reply, he turned down the offer in his respect for the other contestants. His withdrawal made room for the most peaceful and fairest election in the university during his day. What a rare breed he was!

Tade graduated with a First Class, and with an open invitation to work for a multinational company. Like many graduates of his Fatherland, he obeyed the call to serve under the National Youth Service Corp programme. It was an oppotuinity for adventure while serving. In this respect, he was posted to the Eastern part of the country for his service. But something changed at the end of his service year that changed his destiny too. What could it be?

Find out in the second part of this story from the creative empire of Leo-Freeman Innovations.

See you when you get there!
