

Love Story (Sun and Moon)
The Moon, as flirtatious and shy as herself, without wanting to reveal her face completely, so big and small at the same time, superior to many and so tiny compared to her friend the Earth, is a true lady who puts makeup on her face every week , with a different tone seeking to feel full at some point to feel empty, dark and alone again.

The Sun, fiery, fierce, but so attentive, providing a little of that energy that is left over from the other stars, being the largest, the most powerful, always wearing its radiant colors, constant in its work of illuminating the days, of his friend Earth.

Sun and Moon are so different, there is not a single thing that unites them, well maybe there is...

Moon, loves Sun with all its phases.

Sun, loves Moon, with the intensity of his internal fire.

These two young people, but so old, looked at each other from afar, every day they saw each other and touched their hands almost on purpose.

Until, tired of waiting and whispering their wishes to the galaxy, they ran to meet each other, counting the kilometers it would take to see each other, face to face.

When they were only a few meters away, their smiles were so wide that the stars stopped talking for a moment to silence any activity in the sky.

They told each other everything they had reserved for themselves over the millennia and when they were reciprocated they kissed so intensely that the stars closed their eyes while others ran towards the nearest clouds to tell them what had happened.

The Sun hugged Luna as if he never wanted to let her go, as if everything he lacked he got from her and Luna never felt more complete, there was no doubt that this was the star she loved, that gave her light.

But the Earth, always full of imperfections, felt jealous of this great love and sadness flooded her, thinking that now, all the sunlight would always be for another, that her companion would stop stirring its tides, she thought that there would be no more changes, in the flowers or in the wind, he thought that his humans, those that he protected so much with layers and layers around him, would perish in the face of such a tragedy.

Tierra gave them a cry for help, exaggerating even more than what was really happening and the two lovers, moved by compassion, said goodbye again but with the certainty that there would never be another one for them.

Neither Mercury, who approached the Sun to coax it with its passionate red tones, nor Mars who spoke to the Moon every day arguing that he would soon have to go to her side, there was only someone for whom his lips would remain separated and his hands without intertwine: the Earth.

But they say, there is no time that separates kindred souls, nor anxiety that overcomes these two lovers, who run to kiss each other just for minutes or maybe seconds and return to their little piece of heaven.

There may be many loves like that of the Sun and the Moon, but few last as long.