

I stood on the terrace of the rented apartment where I lived with my parents. The cool weather was infiltrating into my skin through the thin and faded garment I wore but I wasn't bothered. It has somehow become a hobby for me to sit on the broken bench in the terrace of the lowly rented story building to observe nature as I had discovered sometimes ago that it helped cool my mind and gave me the ability to think of my next step in life. I saw the moon. It's a full moon this time around. It's gaze lighted up the dark night and as I moved back and forth in the terrace, I gazed up at the moon and slowly reality dawned on me. The moon was following me, accompanying me. The experience I had with the moon that evening laid an impact in my mind and made me realise that the moon was always with me. The impact by the moon that evening gave me a source of courage. So, for the first time in all of my odd years on earth, I finally realised the meaning of the six lettered words called IMPACT! From that day onwards, I made a promise that the type of impact and effect the moon had on me that fateful evening, I must try to make on other people, on various persons around the world.

© Crownwalks