

An inspiring Women
If others think that your life lacks meaning, prove them wrong. What are the things or people that gave your life meaning?

A girl from small village has lots of dreams but she is introvert. every body in village including her family says her you can't do anything, you are useless, your life is just in a single room, you can't achieve anything. she get hurts daily by harsh word of her family and friends, but she never loose hope and faith on her self. she make her goal to prove people wrong and achieve something big in life which no body achieves. and one day she get success she becomes very famous entrepreneur, her company is growing bigger and bigger, she becomes inspiration for others and who tell bad about her now they are pressing her, they want selfie with her, they are getting autograph form her. suddenly the people who hates her become lovers, admirers.
it all happen just because of her self confidence and her faith on herself.
if we think we can rule the world, one day surely we will do it but for this never loose hope and faith on yourself just like that girl who proves every one wrong.

© tulsi parwal