

The Changing Times
Social isolation had forced an eerie silence upon them. While fear haunted their existence, one question was at the forefront.
When was this going to end?
The question was not just running in their minds but the whole world was trapped into it. The busy streets suddenly fell silent, the crowded places were surrounded by just dogs and birds. No children playing in the park and suddenly the world just lost its spark.And then the youngest in the family asked her mom from all these years we were just busy minting money, like fools we were running for power and glory and today we have it all but still all this cannot save us, all this cannot give us contentment and happiness. Now we want to build our immunity overnight.Earlier all our plans were just restricted to parties and travel , we never paid any attention to our health and fitness and never gave a single thought about meditation then Why were we acting like this all these years? That one question stunned the whole family.