

friendship is not oppurtunity
In a school there were 2 friends
one is Robert
second is Chriss

Robert has to live friendly with everyone in campus,where as chriss has to live as per circumstances.

one day in class Chriss took fight against topper of class named Jimmy.
while everyone is standing opposite to Chriss,
Robert know his duty is to protect his friend and he complaints about the fight to headmaster of school....
where he complained about only Jimmy has took fight,for this Jimmy was punished.
Jimmy got angry on both of them....
so after some days exams was nearer.
Chriss was got compromised with Jimmy for sake of help in exams.he ignores Robert and joined Jimmy,this doesn't made any difference to Robert

Robert himself get prepared for exams

Jimmy got right time to get revenge on Chriss,so he gave wrong class notes for exam preparation....

at the exam day Chriss was confused & Jimmy to help him,but Jimmy said
"who are you to ask me for help".Chriss was crying and he finally about leave the exam hall....Robert stood up and helped by showing his answers to pass...

So this story concludes that friendship is not made as per circumstances,it happens for sake of others happiness