

Hi It's me an Egg
It's warm here, I love this warm feeling but it's empty
I'm sad
I'm alone
I wish I have someone
Please? I beg

Hi It's me, I'm a caterpillar now
It's a lot different here
You see, sometimes it's warm
sometimes it's freezing
Seems everyone doesn't like me here
Only the Sun touches me
I'm still sad
I'm still alone
I love the Sun
He keeps me warm
I wish to be near him
Please? I beg

Hi It's me. Now I'm a Pupa
I don't like this
This cocoon that hugs me
It's strange
I feel warm
but I still want the Sun
Something really strange
changes are happening inside me
I feel safe inside this cocoon
But still I'm sad
I miss the Sun
I wish to be near him
Please? I beg

Hi, guess what? Yes!
At last! I'm a butterfly
It's wonderful
Everyone likes me
Now I have wings
I will fly
I will be near you
I don't need them
But why
I'm falling
I couldn't reach you
It's hurts

I want to go back from the cocoon my safe ground
I want to be the caterpillar that is strong
I want to go back to an egg who wonders a lot

I'm sad
I'm alone
Please? I beg?

© SheloveIsla